Basic Principles of the Opening and the Middle Game

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Basic Principles of the Opening and the Middle Game - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 2

Författare: Rob van Zeijst och Richard Bozulich

Go is played on a very large board consisting of 361 playing points. During the opening phase (the fuseki), there will be perhaps 50 to 100 candidates for a plausible move, and for each of these candidate moves the opponent's many possible responses must also be considered, as well as your responses to each of these responses, and so on. Clearly, an exhaustive search is impractical, so the expert go player needs some principles to guide him in finding the best move.

This book presents those basic strategic principles. The 20 principles presented here will lay the foundations for the study of opening theory in general as well as the currently popular opening systems, such as the Sanrensei Opening, the Chinese Opening, etc., presented in other volumes of this series.

Här finner du ett paket med alla böckerna.

Här är de olika titlarna:  

Handicap-Go Strategy and the Sanrensei Opening - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 1

Basic Principles of the Opening and the Middle Game - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 2

The Basics of Life and Death - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 3

A Survey of Basic Tesujis - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 4

Opening and Middle Game Go Problems for Kyu Players - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 5