Handicap-Go Strategy and the Sanrensei Opening

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Handicap-Go Strategy and the Sanrensei Opening - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 1

Författare: Rob van Zeijst och Richard Bozulich

Making the Transition from Handicap to Even Games

The study of handicap go is the natural way to learn how to build thick positions, then to turn the influence of these positions into territory. The handicap stones are placed high on the fourth-line star points, so the black player is forced to think globally. Eventually, the novice will find himself playing Black without a handicap. The easiest way to make the transition from handicap games to even games is to adopt the Sanrensei Opening. In this opening, Black occupies three star points on one side of the board, so the basic strategy of playing for influence used in handicap games is the same. By adopting this opening and executing the strategies outlined in this book, your stronger opponents will learn to respect your moves.

Här finner du ett paket med alla böckerna.

Här är de olika titlarna:  

Handicap-Go Strategy and the Sanrensei Opening - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 1

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