Opening and Middle Game Go Problems for Kyu Players

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Opening and Middle Game Go Problems for Kyu Players - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 5

Författare: Richard Bozulich

This book presents 200 problems of positions that regularly arise in the opening and middle game. It is intended to supplement the Graded Go Problems for Beginners and Graded Go Problems for Dan Players series. Whereas the books in those two series are mainly about life and death, this book consists mainly of whole-board positions. 

Numerous examples of some of the most important Go proverbs are given, such as "play hane at the head of two stones", "when caught in a crosscut, extend", and "capture the cutting stone". The initial problems in the book are in the 15- to 20-kyu range, but they gradually become harder in the latter part of the book reaching the level of 1-kyu by the end of the book.

As a bonus, an exhaustive exposition of the early 3-3-point invasion josekis is presented in an appendix. These josekis have come to dominate the openings in professional and amateur go since they were played by the artificial intelligence program known as AlphaGo. These josekis should be studied by every ambitious kyu player who hopes to rise to Dan level.

Här finner du ett paket med alla böckerna.

Här är de olika titlarna:  

Handicap-Go Strategy and the Sanrensei Opening - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 1

Basic Principles of the Opening and the Middle Game - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 2

The Basics of Life and Death - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 3

A Survey of Basic Tesujis - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 4

Opening and Middle Game Go Problems for Kyu Players - The Road Map to Shodan, Volume 5