Get Strong at Tesuji

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219 kr

Get Strong at Tesuji - Get Strong at Go series, volume 6 of 10.

Författare: Richard Bozulich

Contains 534 easy to intermediate problems of every type of tesuji. If you want to get strong at tesuji, it is not necessary to solve difficult problems; rather, it is more important to solve a lot of easy problems. By studying tesuji in this way, you will sharpen your intuitive skills to the point that you will be able to find the right tesuji in your games at a glance. This is the book that will bring your tactical ability up to that of an expert player. Especially recommended for players who have just learned the rules. Even strong players will be able to improve their tesuji skills through the repetitive practice provided by the problems in this book.


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Här finner du ett paket med alla böckerna.

Här är de olika titlarna:  

Get Strong at the Opening - Get Strong at Go series, volume 1 of 10

Get Strong at Joseki 1 - Get Strong at Go series, volume 2 of 10

Get Strong at Joseki 2 - Get Strong at Go series, volume 3 of 10

Get Strong at Joseki 3 - Get Strong at Go series, volume 4 of 10

Get Strong at Invading - Get Strong at Go series, volume 5 of 10

Get Strong at Tesuji - Get Strong at Go series, volume 6 of 10

Get Strong at the Endgame - Get Strong at Go series, volume 7 of 10

Get Strong at Life and Death - Get Strong at Go series, volume 8 of 10

Get Strong at Handicap Go - Get Strong at Go series, volume 9 of 10

Get Strong at Attacking - Get Strong at Go series, volume 10 of 10