Get Strong at Invading
Get Strong at Invading - Get Strong at Go series, volume 5 of 10.
Författare: Richar Bozulich och Furuyama Kazunari
After the players have mapped out their spheres of influence in the opening, invading these areas is a basic technique of the middle game. Here are 171 problems systematically covering the standard invasions on the side and the corners, attacking corner enclosures, and erasing large territorial frameworks.
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Här är de olika titlarna:
Get Strong at the Opening - Get Strong at Go series, volume 1 of 10
Get Strong at Joseki 1 - Get Strong at Go series, volume 2 of 10
Get Strong at Joseki 2 - Get Strong at Go series, volume 3 of 10
Get Strong at Joseki 3 - Get Strong at Go series, volume 4 of 10
Get Strong at Invading - Get Strong at Go series, volume 5 of 10
Get Strong at Tesuji - Get Strong at Go series, volume 6 of 10
Get Strong at the Endgame - Get Strong at Go series, volume 7 of 10
Get Strong at Life and Death - Get Strong at Go series, volume 8 of 10
Get Strong at Handicap Go - Get Strong at Go series, volume 9 of 10
Get Strong at Attacking - Get Strong at Go series, volume 10 of 10