Get Strong at the Opening

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Get Strong at the Opening - Get Strong at Go series, volume 1 of 10

Författare: Richard Bozulich

175 problems in the opening (fuseki) ranging in difficulty from easy to difficult. This book is an ideal introduction to the field of fuseki and should be studied by every beginning player. The problems begin with an analysis of the Chinese, niren-sei, sanren-sei, Shusaku, and tatsuki (diagonal) fusekis as well as other important opening strategies. The remainder of the problems are designed to hammer home to the reader the basic principles of the fuseki.


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Här finner du ett paket med alla böckerna.

Här är de olika titlarna:  

Get Strong at the Opening - Get Strong at Go series, volume 1 of 10

Get Strong at Joseki 1 - Get Strong at Go series, volume 2 of 10

Get Strong at Joseki 2 - Get Strong at Go series, volume 3 of 10

Get Strong at Joseki 3 - Get Strong at Go series, volume 4 of 10

Get Strong at Invading - Get Strong at Go series, volume 5 of 10

Get Strong at Tesuji - Get Strong at Go series, volume 6 of 10

Get Strong at the Endgame - Get Strong at Go series, volume 7 of 10

Get Strong at Life and Death - Get Strong at Go series, volume 8 of 10

Get Strong at Handicap Go - Get Strong at Go series, volume 9 of 10

Get Strong at Attacking - Get Strong at Go series, volume 10 of 10