1001 Life-and-Death Problems

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1001 Life-and-Death Problems - Mastering the Basics, volume 2 of 12.

Redaktör: Richard Bozulich

The problems in this book focus on technique and reading, not on standard corner positions. The explanations are minimal and limited to either illustrating a fundamental principle or a tesuji. The reader is expected to make the effort to verify that the answer to each problem is indeed the best and most profitable move, and to prove to himself that any other move fails to achieve the stated objective. This effort is also part of the practice that these problems provide. It is not an easy task: it requires mental discipline. But doing it will not only improve your go, it will also improve your mental powers.

 The problems are not hard; they range from very easy to moderately difficult. However, there are some rather tricky ones strewn throughout. A dan player should be able to solve most of them within a minute, sometimes on sight, but it may take a bit longer for kyu-level players. But even if you are a dan player, solving these problem will keep your go sharp and give you the competive edge that you need to win your games.

Häftad. 244 sidor.


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Här finner du ett paket med alla böckerna.

Här är de olika titlarna:  

501 Opening Problems - Mastering the Basics, volume 1 of 12

1001 Life-and-Death Problems - Mastering the Basics, volume 2 of 12

Making Good Shape - Mastering the Basics, volume 3 of 12

501 Tesuji Problems - Mastering the Basics, volume 4 of 12

The Basics of Go Strategy - Mastering the Basics, volume 5 of 12

All About Ko - Mastering the Basics, volume 6 of 12

Attacking and Defending Moyos - Mastering the Basics, volume 7 of 12

Fight Like a Pro - The Secrets of Kiai - Mastering the Basics, volume 8 of 12

An Encyclopedia of Go Principles - Mastering the Basics, volume 9 of 12

Close Encounters with the Middle Game - Mastering the Basics, volume 10 of 12

Sabaki - The Art of Settling Stones - Mastering the Basics, volume 11 of 12

Attacking and Defending Weak Groups - Mastering the Basics, volume 12 av 12