501 Opening Problems
501 Opening Problems - Mastering the Basics, volume 1 of 12.
Författare: Richard Bozulich och Rob van Zeijst
Each problem demonstrates a basic principle of opening play. The constant repetition of these principles will develop the reader's intuition to instantly spot the appropriate move in the opening of their games.
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Här är de olika titlarna:
501 Opening Problems - Mastering the Basics, volume 1 of 12
1001 Life-and-Death Problems - Mastering the Basics, volume 2 of 12
Making Good Shape - Mastering the Basics, volume 3 of 12
501 Tesuji Problems - Mastering the Basics, volume 4 of 12
The Basics of Go Strategy - Mastering the Basics, volume 5 of 12
All About Ko - Mastering the Basics, volume 6 of 12
Attacking and Defending Moyos - Mastering the Basics, volume 7 of 12
Fight Like a Pro - The Secrets of Kiai - Mastering the Basics, volume 8 of 12
An Encyclopedia of Go Principles - Mastering the Basics, volume 9 of 12
Close Encounters with the Middle Game - Mastering the Basics, volume 10 of 12
Sabaki - The Art of Settling Stones - Mastering the Basics, volume 11 of 12
Attacking and Defending Weak Groups - Mastering the Basics, volume 12 av 12