38 Basic Josekis

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219 kr

38 Basic Josekis - Elementary Go Series, Volume 2

Författare: Kiyoshi Kosugi och James Davies

38 Basic Josekiis the first joseki book that every kyu player should read. It gives an overall view of this vast field, after which you can profitably begin your study of the more advanced books on joseki, such as Takao Shinji's two-volume 21st Century Dictionary of Basic Joseki and the three-volume series Get Strong at Joseki.


Läs BenGoZen's recension av 38 Basic Josekis - Elementary Go Series, Volume 2.

Läs David Carlton’s (Gobooks.info) recension av 38 Basic Josekis - Elementary Go Series, Volume 2.

Här finner du ett paket med alla böckerna.

Här är de olika titlarna:

In the Beginning - Elementary Go Series, Volume 1

38 Basic Josekis - Elementary Go Series, Volume 2

Tesuji - Elementary Go Series, Volume 3

Life and death - Elementary Go Series, Volume 4

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