Attack and Defense
Attack and Defense - Elementary Go Series, Volume 5
Författare: Akira Ishida och James Davies
The authors lay down a few clear principles, then go through a wealth of examples and problems from professional play, giving you a thorough grasp of how to choose strategy, how to execute dual-purpose attacks, how to force your opponent into submission or cooperation, how to invade and reduce territorial frameworks, and when to fight a ko.
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Här finner du ett paket med alla böckerna.
Här är de olika titlarna:
In the Beginning - Elementary Go Series, Volume 1
38 Basic Josekis - Elementary Go Series, Volume 2
Tesuji - Elementary Go Series, Volume 3
Life and death - Elementary Go Series, Volume 4
Attack and Defense - Elementary Go Series, Volume 5
The Endgame - Elementary Go Series, Volume 6
Handicap Go - Elementary Go Series, Volume 7